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The International Journal of
Railway Technology

Submission of Railways 2012 contributed papers to the International Journal of Railway Technology
Contributed papers presented at the Railways 2012 conference (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 18-20 April 2012) are eligible for submission to IJRT after the conference. However, most conference papers require either substantial improvement or additions prior to submission to an archival journal such as IJRT. Accordingly, authors will be given until 1st July 2012 to submit improved, extended and revised versions of their conference paper to the journal.

A prerequisite is that the orginal conference paper be cited using the correct full reference (including the DOI) as given on the conference proceedings CD-ROM, or as available on . This citing should occur where the scope of the paper is discussed, normally towards the end of the introduction. (Typically "This paper is based upon Author et al. [1], but the current paper includes the following additional research: ...").

Submission of the revised paper to IJRT should follow the regular submission guidelines and procedures.